πŸŽ€ Chuck SJ - Resist Recharge Revolt πŸŽ€


Multidisciplinary Queer artist Chuck SJ has been nailing it this past decade as both a solo artist & in their band BYENARY (two-piece queercore punk band).They are undeniably authentic, raw and true to their inner turmoil. Honestly brutal in theirlyrics & their performance.

Chuck SJ is also an activist, with a passion for dismantling prejudices against trans & autistic folk.Dedicated to their DIY ethos Chuck self produced the vast majority of the release on their houseboat. The album takes us through a genre bending journey. Built with punky sting sections, hefty synths, guitar that constantly moves from crunchy chaos to self soothing melodies xoxo

πŸŽ€ $wag Me πŸŽ€

Multidisciplinary Queer artist Chuck SJ has been nailing it this past decade as both a solo artist & in their band BYENARY (two-piece queercore punk band).They are undeniably authentic, raw and true to their inner turmoil. Honestly brutal in theirlyrics & their performance.

Chuck SJ is also an activist, with a passion for dismantling prejudices against trans & autistic folk.Dedicated to their DIY ethos Chuck self produced the vast majority of the release on their houseboat. The album takes us through a genre bending journey. Built with punky sting sections, hefty synths, guitar that constantly moves from crunchy chaos to self soothing melodies xoxo